List of Real estate/realty website basic features in 2022 for a better home buyer's experience.

Whether you are developing a website for your real estate business on your own or outsourcing it to an agency to develop it for you, consider including the following key features in the website for better serving the home buyer's & seller's needs. Be aware that an elegant site generates quality leads & saves your time answering repeated queries.

1. Home page

This is ideally the first page of your website, which generally includes

2. Property Listings

This is the important page of the website, where all the properties available for rent, sale, lease are displayed. It will be the most visited page of the site. It includes

3. Property Details Page

This page will show all the details about the property. It could have a minimum of these records to display.

4. Open Houses

This page will provide details about the properties which are ready to visit without any appointments on given date & time.

5. Sold Properties

To show the list of real estates sold by your business along with details. From the seller's point of view, it demonstrates that you are the right company to list their property & will also be helpful to buyers to compare the cost of previous transactions.

6. Team

Details about Brokers, team members along with their work experience, interests, etc. to show the human side of the business.

7. Resources

This is to show events related to your business, various forms & statutory notices, a few helpful guides, contact information for jobs, media inquiries, etc., which doesn't fit in other sections.

Along with the above, try to include the following aspects to better serve the clients.

The odds of converting web visitors to home buyers will increase if the site looks & works well on all of the devices customers use (so responsive design is a must) along with fast loading time and user-friendly & graceful design.

It's quite a list of things to consider before developing a realty website and if it makes your head spin, don't worry much & hand over your website design, development, hosting, maintenance to us, so you could get more time to work on your core business.

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