Frequently asked questions (with answers) about Flutter mobile app development by founders in 2022?

Frequently asked questions (with answers) about Flutter mobile app development by founders in 2022

Here is the list of questions frequently asked by our customers about our mobile app development

General Questions?

Why I should choose Flutter for cross-platform app development?

With Flutter, you not only develop for Android & iOS mobiles but also to web, desktop & embedded systems with a single codebase. With that advantage, the initial cost for solutions development is lesser. Moreover, for the businesses with fewer scoped apps, a single engineer could take care of maintenance & update instead of dedicated engineers for every platform.

Why I should choose Wooliv as my Flutter app development agency?

We are specialists, we do just Flutter apps & website development and if you have passion for something & do it again & again, you become damn good at it and that's what we have become.

We are not a typical development agency, which does everything their sales team brings. We are developing with flutter every day and know everything the framework has to offer, so you will get quality apps, which look & work great across all devices.

Do you sign NDA?

Almost all of our works are under NDA, so a Non-disclosure agreement is not alien for us. Send NDA agreement first, then your project requirements.

Does your service include a logo design?

Yes, we design a simple & minimalist logo with every new app we deliver which suits the app dynamics. But clients are welcome to give us the design & assets related to the logo to use in the apps.

Do you help us in releasing apps to the google play store & Apple app store?

Of course, we do release the app to both the app store & play store by preparing app title, subtitle, description, screenshots, etc. And we even answer the queries (if any) raised by the app review team. However, having an Android & Apple developer account and authorizing our team as a member/contributor is the way to go.

Could you help us to publish our in-app purchases & subscriptions on android & apple?

Yes, give us details about the subscriptions/consumable pricing and benefits, we take care of the rest.

Do you help us in getting authorization from Google, Apple, Facebook to provide social login to users?

Dealing with getting authorization from social login providers is a little daunting, so we help founders & businesses to get approval from social login providers. However, note that getting access to regular/public user details like name, email Id & photo might get completed within a week. But to get access to restricted properties of users(like date of Birth, Gender, etc.) takes more time & sometimes will not be approved.

Does my project is handled by a team or a single person?

Complex projects are handled by a team formed just for that project. However, if the project is simple, a single developer will take ownership of the apps.

I read an article, that claims quality will suffer if app development is outsourced to an abroad agency over a local one?

App quality is not dependent on whether the development agency is located near or far from you but on how skilled the team is. Wooliv team is skilled to take on any challenges & is available in your timezone, so be sure that your project is delivered in time with the quality you asked for. Oh..! sorry, we forget "we're unable to meet you at your local bar physically" if it counts, that may be our only downside.

Could I view the mobile application source code while it's being developed?

Yes, if you wish to see the actual progress we will give you access to the project GitHub repository.

Costing Questions?

DO you guys work for sweat equity?

Definitely NO and always NO.

What will be my flutter app development cost?

Project cost depends on the features you want us to implement in the app so there won't be any single price for every possible app configuration. However, we have discussed app pricing with features in a few of our blog posts, kindly refer to Dating App cost, Physical fitness/yoga app costing, Ecommerce App cost, online grocery/food delivery app cost, cost to build Real estate app that gives a rough idea of how much it may cost to build the app as per your vision.

What are your payment terms for flutter mobile app development?

For new customers it will be 50% advance along with the order and the remaining amount will be divided among three mutually agreed milestones.

Technical Questions?

Do you build a custom app with features, which are not heard before?

We love to test the limits of what could be achieved as a development agency, so yeah, we take those challenges with a wide-open heart.

Do we need to provide Figma or Adobe XD wireframes for app development?

If you have already prepared wireframes, then we will continue from there. But note that most of our clients give an order for complete app development including design, development, testing, and release to app stores, so it is not necessary at least for us.

Do I have to provide text content, Image & video assets needed for the app?

If the app is English we could do copywriting required for the app. Icons & other images needed for app functionality will also be created by us. However, for image & video heavy projects like eCommerce apps, fitness/yoga apps customer has to provide the assets.

Could you add custom fonts to the mobile app?

Yes, any of the available fonts to suit your requirements will be added for text styling. Further, if you have a custom font designed for the app, we integrate that too.

Do you create apps with multiple language support?

Multi-language support for apps will be provided. Further, to improve the user experience, an app could be built with a function to detect the language of the user's phone and to change the mobile app language automatically.

Do the developed mobile apps include a splash screen?

Whether we mention it not every app includes a minimalist splash screen with a company logo & tagline which will be developed for free and is sufficient for most of the apps (as the user sees it only during app cold start). However, if you want a splash screen with complex animations, we might charge an additional amount.

How the real world app testing is done?

Before delivering the app to the client for testing, we thoroughly check for completeness of features & bugs. Once we are satisfied with the results, we ask clients to add their company staff or friends or consultant's email (up to 100 nos.) in Google Play & the App Store developer console as testers. Then, we release the app to alpha or test tracks & all the members are informed about the new release and are requested to test the app for complete functionality and any possible bugs. Once every stakeholder is satisfied with the results, the client may push the build for production. One thing to note while selecting testers is to make sure everyone is having a different model of phone/tablet so that testing will cover the maximum type of devices.

How do you avoid payment frauds in mobile app in-app purchase payments?

Generally, payment frauds are made to access the content which is locked behind a paywall. To avoid payment scams, we take the following measures

Every user will be identified by a unique Id (connected to a registered email), so that premium access could be limited only to that userId, even after the user changes the device.
After the in-app payment receipt is received from the app, the authenticity of payment will be checked in our servers (by communicating with the Apple & Android server using cloud functions).
Once we receive the valid payment verification result, we give access to the content to the uniqueId of the user, which we received in the previous step.
As an additional step, every in-app purchase detail along with a unique order Id will be stored in the backend and every new payment will be checked for duplication by comparing previous stored orders Id.

Online shopping apps also verify the trustworthiness of payments by communicating with the payment provider servers, wherever possible. However, it is generally easy to spot frauds associated with eCommerce by tallying the total amount collected vs the total purchase value of items that have to be delivered.

Do you provide the mobile app source code during final delivery?

Yes, we will transfer the Github repo to the respective company profile/user, which includes all the written app code, tests, documentation, and settings related to the project, so that the internal team could take over the project with minimum friction.

Do you provide updates to the mobile apps once they are released?

We extend support to update app features & improve its functionality as per the client's requirements. Updates as simple as changing user interface & assets or as complex as changing the user flow, adding new app features will be taken up.

Do you have any annual maintenance plans?

As the app features & requirements vary widely from time to time, it is difficult to set a fixed price for the whole year in advance, so we offer hourly price fixed for the whole year with hours charged at actuals.

Do you maintain & make bug fixes to the flutter cross-platform apps that other agencies built?

If the required bug fixes are small and the app was built with proper documentation & good practices we will maintain & update the app as requested. But sometimes, it makes more sense to build the app from the ground up and we do that too.

App functionality Questions?

Does my mobile app have to work in both portrait & landscape orientations to make users happy?

The majority of the games only support one orientation, which means you are good with supporting either portrait or landscape orientation which suits your app type. Development cost & time will be lesser to support a single orientation. We recommend our clients, who are building MVP to stick with a single orientation, as both orientations could be supported in the future too when users ask for it. Note that, while writing an app to support one orientation we also write a function to lock the app orientation, so that the user interface will remain the same irrespective of mobile inclination. However, video streaming apps... are the exception to this rule and have to look & work great in both orientations to have a better user experience.

Do you support passwordless email login/authentication to the apps?

Yes, both the passwordless email verification and email verification with PIN will be supported as per the user flow design.

Could you develop the feature to keep the mobile awake, even if the user is not tapping the phone while running my app?

We coded this functionality for video streaming & fitness apps. Moreover, to avoid unnecessary battery drain, we write a custom function, so that the app will be checking every two hours whether the user is consuming content by showing a popup to keep the content playing if the system didn't receive any feedback, the content will be paused and mobile will go to sleep mode.

which is better for storing everything in the cloud database or local storage?

All the user settings & generated data which need to be accessed later after app uninstallation, on a new device are stored in the cloud database. Further, payment & Pro membership details are only stored in the cloud and Images & documents are cached in the phone memory for faster access & to reduce data costs.

That's all for now and will update the content if two clients asked some questions. Further, many of our blog posts contain questions & answers related to that specific topic, so don't hesitate to check those too.

But remember, to get answers to all your flutter app development queries, you don't have to wait till we update this blog post, just shoot us an email & receive an answer in your inbox.

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